Sunday, September 04, 2005

Goodbye Bangkok, again.

We just arrived in Kanchangabury, its very well known for its Bridge over the River kwae, It's part of the Burma Railway, where tens of thousands of prisoners of war ( and about 100 000 civilians ) were worked to death to build the railway. So it will be a few museums and cemeteries this arvo and tomorrow. We're still a little hungover from last night in Bangkok, I'm sitting on a nice big grassy patch of the place we are staying. Just finished a nice little spicey chicken on rice stirfry ( clocked in at just under a dollar ) Our place is right on the river and very close to the bridge there is this little boat towing a massive big barge. The barge is sorta decked out to look like a steam train, and its packed full of Thais singing bad asian music on a big loud speaker. It's quite a sight.

Last night we were drinking with Paddy and Celeste ( Paddy accidentally ordered deep fried chicken knees for dinner, weird grissley and crunchy ) and tried to go see a Ping Pong show, and this crazy fucking tuk tuk driver zigged and zagged the back streets like a fucking mad man, propper rally driving style, us pissed yahooing in the back. That went on for a fair while until he blew up something in his tuk tuk and with a decent sized cloud of smoke and some bad noises we had to leave him and jump in another tuk tuk. We were to late to see eh ping pong shows, the only place open was like 400 bhat to get into ( about $12 ) so we headed home, this time the tuk tuk driver was a bit slower, but had perfected the art of doing monoes, so at the lights we'ld take of with a screech a little cloud of smoke and with 4 of us in this little 3 wheeled van, up on its back wheels on a 45 degree angle.

Lotsa fun,-- Http://

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