Monday, December 04, 2006


Well, I spent a week down in London, Dropped in on Roy in Leeds and spent a few days in Camden Town.

It was great fun caught up with a load of people, hung out with Linda heaps and made a mission to Essex to buy a car for the Mongol Rally. Its a little '88 970cc Suzuki Sj410 .

We gave it a quick tyre kick, and started it up, and then handed over 475 quid for it.

Me and Linda then drove it back into London, but had a few hiccups, one the battery was flat, the second it over heated and blew a load of white smoke...... Blown Head gasket.

Any ways after heaps of fretting while trying to drive it home a few days later I U turned after puffing more smoke on the way out of London and took it back to Essex and they kindly offered to fix it...

more to come soon

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