Wednesday, August 08, 2007


well, The Festival has begun. Me and Nicky are now living over the other side of town. It's over here still only a short ride to work. You can check out a short tour of our place here all is well, its cosy and lovely.

Mum has come and gone, she had about a month in UK, a few days up here in the Forrest Rd house, then a bit of a jaunt around england, I met her down there to scatter Johnbol's (her dad, my grandad) ashes. It was a nice little trip, it does feel strange that in the less than two years I've been here I have scattered both of my grandfathers ashes.

Any ways, I've been getting into Critical Mass, it's a great fun last friday of the month bike ride. It's a sorta protest fun ride, me and my friend Spanish Al are doing a website for it now aswell


1 comment:

Dana said...

Hey Will, cool to hear from you! Yeah, wud love to meet up with u & Nicky but when u getting here? I'm off to Mumbai tomoz but then to Kolkata sat eve, so might jus miss ya :( Oh well, have an awesome time in Goa and happy adventuring! My mob's 0091-9970963261 much love, d xx