Friday, June 24, 2005

Back from Tassie


Well I got back from Tassie Wednesday arvo. It was pretty good, got to say my goodbye to Johnbol. I also got to catch up with a few friends, hang out with the family and check out Fraser's new house.
Johnbol died on Thursday evening, just a few hours short of the same date that his wife died some 30 or so years ago. Although he didn't have cancer the smoking induced lack of circulation in his legs let gangrene into the infections in his dyeing feet. Also the lack of oxygen to the brain increased the rate that dementia kicked in.
Since his death I've decided to quit smoking. Although I had one just after dad phoned to tell me of his death, I bought a pack of Nicabate CQ this morning and am on 17mg 24hr patches. They should be all good to keep off the cravings over the weekend and make it fairly easy during the week. They aren't cheap though a weeks supply costing about $30. I've managed fine so far, normally I would have had one on my lunch break and one when Nicky knocked off work, and I've got my rollies with me so I probably would have snuck a few in between. I talked to Curt today and funnily enough Adelle, Dicky and him all decided to quit today aswell. So wish us all luck.

R.I.P. Johnbol

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