Tuesday, July 05, 2005

F U C K I T, again

Well, I'm a fuck head, again... Got a phone call from Mel ( our travel agent ) saying that we needed to finalise payment on our flights today or Thai Airways would cancel our booking. So during my lunch break I rode home to get some cash. On the bike ride back into town it escaped from its pocket and fluttered, most likely into the hands of a local junkie.

Sucks arse.. It was about $350.... Any way, I managed to pay off my flight with about $4 to my name.. And a maxed out credit card. But shit.. It's a fucking hassle... I've still got my tax return and sick pay and bond to come back... But still got Splendour and the Trans-Mongolian to pay for.

In other news, well, YAY my flights are paid for. I'm going into work late tomorrow and meeting Roh to go suss out the Chinese embassy for some Visas. I'm relatively Smoke Free, I shared one cigarette with Curt this evening, but apart from that I haven't had a cigarette since Thursday before last. The Nicabate CQ seem to be doing the job. If all goes well I wont smoke until Splendour, and won't be a Smoker while traveling.

Just a reminder, It's Nicky, Dave, Stewie, Roh and My going away party on the 15th of July. Super Hero theme, 499 george st.

and, with the Ads By Google Links on the Top and Side of this website, the click through cash does go to me, so if you see any links and you wanna check em out, please do.


Anonymous said...

(-: how are you going to survive travelling around ? you cant look after yourself in melbourne

WillC said...

It was sorta funny, Mel was saying "thank god your getting good insurance for your trip" and I can't believe they are actually going to insure me, I'm a bad customer for insurance companies.

Anonymous said...

only five days in sri lanka ?

Anonymous said...

there would be a cooler comment like yayt how exciting cept im at work and can only comment sneakily

WillC said...

it should be a week in sri lanka.... I'll double check with mel, Were still a bit fucke when it comes o the Trans-Mongolian.... Roh is getting a bit antsy about the price, I'm a bit, well fuck it we can always pay off the credit card debt when we get to UK.... Celia, do you haev any ideas, on how to get a cheap trip through, could we book it through you on the cheap?

Will C