Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bangkok, Thailand

Fuck we made it, it's actually happened we are currently sitting in a little bar of khe san road in Bangkok. Our 9 and and a half hour flight wasn't to shabby, only disrupted by an incredibly drunk Swedish girl. We got in just before sun-up at around 5ish this morning by the time we had got out through customs and organized a taxi it was getting fairly light and starting to warm up. It's shifted from sorta dry to drizzle and a fair bit of rain and now I think its back to dry. We ended up making friends with Kat ( the drunkard ) her Swedish friend and a cowboy named Duncan, we are sharing a room today as they are catching their Swedish connecting flight at about 1am tonight. I'm already getting accustomed to the hot sticky stench of south east Asia, had a great 30 bhat sweat and sour pork with some sort of poached egg ( maybe poached in oil ) breakfast. My stupid shorts that I got fixed in Brisbane broke already and are getting fixed by a little lady with a sewing machine.

Its hit beer o'clock at around 11am, I'm not really sure how the rest of the day has in plan for us, cowboy has a big bottle of Bundy, and there has been talk of it rearing its ugly head some time soon. Tomorrow I think we catch the train to phuket to catch up with Ro's old man. It sounds like a descent amount of time on the train....... Should be interesting. Any ways I do have a Thai sim card now... I believe the number is +6651141951 so drop me a call or text any time you want to know how hot sweaty stinky drunk lost or wet me and Roh are.

So I hope your all having nearly as much fun as I'm having now, keep me updated with your news and gossip.

I'll try and have some phots online soon.

Over and Out

Will Cowan.

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