Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Virgin Mobile Edinburgh

Well guess who is the new Christmas Part Timer at Edinburgh Megastore Virgin Mobile?
Me! Yeah, I start on Monday there are two part timers starting. In the new year we have a special elimination round and one of us goes full time, and the other one gets the arse.
Should be good, sorta sucks it doesn’t start right now, and sorta sucks its only gonna be about 20 hours a week for the first few weeks, but apart from that it should be all easy and stuff. It was pretty lucky, applications closed yesterday, so if I had been any later I would have missed out.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Will,
Just a quick one to say hi and sorry I’ve not been in touch, but as you will certainly find out for yourself very soon England is a bit lacking on the "get stuff done" front (especially internet and telephone connections evidently!)...hopefully for you Scotland is different.

I haven't read all about your travels yet but the bits I did manage to read sound fantastic! Would love to meet up and hear all about it - Pai style preferably (where can you get hold of some of that lovely Tiger Whisky in this country?!).

Anyway, I'm mega busy all the time so would need to be pulled out from the pile I'm buried under to come and play - let me know!

My mobile number is: 07960 125978
Hope all goes well with your new job!

Speak soon,
