Sunday, December 17, 2006

dave, Mo-vember

dave, Mo-vember, originally uploaded by Will Cowan.

Photo of the week........

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Go Crab Man!!!

Go Crab Man!!!, originally uploaded by Will Cowan.

Well, I've been getting pretty good use out of my camera recently. Had a blast with it down in London, and have been taking a few shots around the place in Edinburgh.

Here is one of my favourite shots from the recent BoxWars promo that a few of my friends put on.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Well, I spent a week down in London, Dropped in on Roy in Leeds and spent a few days in Camden Town.

It was great fun caught up with a load of people, hung out with Linda heaps and made a mission to Essex to buy a car for the Mongol Rally. Its a little '88 970cc Suzuki Sj410 .

We gave it a quick tyre kick, and started it up, and then handed over 475 quid for it.

Me and Linda then drove it back into London, but had a few hiccups, one the battery was flat, the second it over heated and blew a load of white smoke...... Blown Head gasket.

Any ways after heaps of fretting while trying to drive it home a few days later I U turned after puffing more smoke on the way out of London and took it back to Essex and they kindly offered to fix it...

more to come soon