Monday, May 30, 2005
Other News
Today I picked up my Custom Crumpler Bag, that I put my birthday Crumpler voucher towards.
In the little strap cusion thingo there is a secret stash pouch i got put in, its pretty cool.. Thanks to every one who chipped in.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
My Weekend
Hope every ones weekend was good, mine was pretty interesting, Friday was a write off. I was hung over as fuck got home from work had dinner had 1 beer and went to bed. I was a wreck.
I did my volunteer thing at Oxfam on Saturday. Pretty mellow day not to busy not to quite. Saturday night Mel had her going away party, for those who don't know Mel is heading to Perth, W.A. this week with her friend India. Their plan's to make some cash doing season work and then head overseas....
So we went to Mel's, it was Me, Nicky, Jules, Dave, Dave's friend from the winery Tim, to start with. and Stewie, Alex, Paul, Luke and Jack made it along a bit later. As I've got no cash and couldn't afford any Class A's after a few beers I munched on 6 Magic Mushies. I haven't had any since last season so spent the first 15 or so minutes trying to remember what its like to be on Shrooms, I was about to spend the next 15 minutes realising that I was gonna be the only person at Mel's on Shrooms. So Stewie got in on the act and had a few. Mad crazy visuals kept on bumping into Stewie in the garden blowing out on stuff, was heapsa fun, We then cruised to Mia's party. I think that's their name, It was a friend of Joskie's. Pretty full on, we got lost on the way, I rocked up reasonably confused still tripping to a fairly big party, Camp Fire in the back yard, biiiig garage with couches all round the edge and pretty trancy beats being mixed from the garage. Fairly fun party nothing to exciting to report, we chilled out ( fuck it was cold ) then cruised to a local part for a splif, then back to the party.
At about 2 or 3, Me, Nicky, Dave and Tim got a lift home with Julia. We'd eaten a few more mushies on the trip home, We'd got all excited about tripping out at home with the a few more Mushies in front of the heater with a big pot of tea and a splif. After Jules dropped us off, we realised we didn't have a fucking key to the house. Nicky Dave and Tim spent the next few hours huddled in Tim's van in the street until Alex came home and rescued us, I went and slept in Dave's Combi until we could get inside.
Well that's about it, Still no news on the iPod, that sale hasn't cleared through my credit card so we can't start working out who took it yet.
Friday, May 27, 2005
I had a virgin staff party last night, and got super drunk and lost my wallet and keys and iPod.
It sucks so much arse, I'm so pissed off its $650 for fucks sake. Any way there was a transaction on my credit card for $28 at 3 o'clock and I cant remember making it. So hopefully they did something nice and stupid and went to the local 7Eleven and bought some stuff in front of those nice hi-res security cameras
If you want to be really really nice you could so I can buy a new one Click the link you know you want to ... or atleast write messages of condolence.
Monday, May 23, 2005
My Birthday Weekend
After a few warm up drink Old Man took Me Nicky and Dave, out for dinner in china town, it was a bit of an ordeal finding the place with about 4 trips up and down little Bourke street trying to find the alley way, the food was good authentic, quite tasty Chinese.
We spent the rest of the night at The Croft Institute, where Alex and Curt were DJing, there were a fair few of us there, more than half the people in the bar were friends of mine. Including the Dj's and Bar staff. Jagermeister shots out of Ice Shot glasses were fun, but very slippery. I don't think any one had a camera, so there are no photos to post.
I worked a half day on Friday, a reasonable sleep in was needed as although I wasn't quite in pain, full head and body discomfort, we had a quite Friday night I think Nicky was asleep by 9pm.
Saturday was a bit of an early start, Old Man got round to my place around 9.30am. The three of us, Nicky Dad and Me headed out to Benalla, we had booked in for gliding at about 12, but ended up getting there at around one. We had a few troubles finding the airport, and a few more troubles finding the right runway to meet up with the pilots. I think all over them were over 60, some easy pushing 70 funny old guys who sit around an airport flying planes with no engines. After a bit of a meet and greet John took me up in his glider. It's a pretty cramped little cockpit, if I was much taller I wouldn't have fitted, and any one of above average build would have had troubles squeezing in.
It was a really cool ride, got towed up about 4500 feet into the air, It took about 30 minutes to get back down, Its meant to be a heap better during summer, as the sun creates thermal currents and you can stay up for as long as you want, all the old guys were telling us that its not real gliding unless you can catch the thermals back up.
We had a beer and nice picnic in a park next to the river and then drove home.
it was a nice sunny Sunday morning we had a wickedly cooked beaky in the park. then got dressed up and cruised to the North Fitzroy Lawn Bowls Club. Melbourne bitter stubbies were on special, only $3 each. We had a few games, a few beers, smoked a spliff and went up the road to the Pinnacle Hotel for some food. Stewie splurged and ordered entrée's of spicy Thai chicken dippy things, prawns oysters etc etc. we had a few more beers there and stumbled down to Glitch and sat down the front of their little cinema watching the Eurovision champion ships. Some where in there we had a little Prezzie giving ceremony, I got a bucket of goodies including an engraved pocket knife, rainbow thermals gloves nice socks and a $150 voucher for teh Crumpler store.
On Tuesday I put in my order for a Boxing Kangaroo Customer Crumpler it should take about a week... I'll put up some photos once I get it..
well that was my weekend, and my first blogger thingo.
Post some comments if you actually read this ok.
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