Saturday, June 25, 2005

Ian's Shoelace Site


Check it out, It's actually freakishly funny.

also, more links today click the Google Maps logo to see when I live. Its the house just below the bottom right hand corner of the park.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Back from Tassie


Well I got back from Tassie Wednesday arvo. It was pretty good, got to say my goodbye to Johnbol. I also got to catch up with a few friends, hang out with the family and check out Fraser's new house.
Johnbol died on Thursday evening, just a few hours short of the same date that his wife died some 30 or so years ago. Although he didn't have cancer the smoking induced lack of circulation in his legs let gangrene into the infections in his dyeing feet. Also the lack of oxygen to the brain increased the rate that dementia kicked in.
Since his death I've decided to quit smoking. Although I had one just after dad phoned to tell me of his death, I bought a pack of Nicabate CQ this morning and am on 17mg 24hr patches. They should be all good to keep off the cravings over the weekend and make it fairly easy during the week. They aren't cheap though a weeks supply costing about $30. I've managed fine so far, normally I would have had one on my lunch break and one when Nicky knocked off work, and I've got my rollies with me so I probably would have snuck a few in between. I talked to Curt today and funnily enough Adelle, Dicky and him all decided to quit today aswell. So wish us all luck.

R.I.P. Johnbol

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I'm in Tasmania

I'm in Tasmania for a few days....
Mum's father isn't doing particularity well and its looking like last days. It's a good chance to have a bit of family time before I head off for my travels. I flew in at 8.30am this morning, Old Man picked me up from the airport, we dropped off some stuff at home then went out to visit Johnbol ( mum's dad ) Its pretty sad to see some one who used to be such a big man with such a sense of wit and humor so incapacitated.

Apart from that, I had beers with Nick Watson at the Batman Faukner, and saw the work on Fraser's house. I should be catching up with Sam and Rosie Lundie, Spyder tomorrow. I'll go visit Fiona and her little man Sterling if I can get in contact with them, I think a mission out to Angela Saunders is in order to get all the updates and new contact details....
Any way, I'll post here again if any thing happens... and should be back in Melbourne on Wednesday.


William Cowan

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

End of an Era

Hey its me and Paul's last shift together at Virgin Mobile... 3 years.. jeepers.

He is off to Japan with his new bride, Akiko. He gets back between when I've finished work but haven't left melbourne..

In other news I got my British passport back from the consulate today... and Mum realised that my Australian passport has expired. Thank fuck she noticed cos I sure wouldn't have... and that could have been a bit fucked... So another $150 on friggen paperwork shenanagins...

Also its the big Make Poverty History stuff going on with Oxfam, so buy a white band. Give them some cash and stuff.


Sunday, June 12, 2005



We're having a Garage Sale today.. and as Nicky is grabbing shit from our room she finds my work keys........ my wallet...... and my fucking iPod behind our chest of draws.....

now thats some crazy shit.

Will Cowan

Saturday, June 11, 2005


This is just getting stupid..

RIP Alex's iPod
RIP Luke's Phone
RIP Jack's Camera

While me and Nicky were sleeping last night we got robbed. The side door wasn't locked and shit got stolen. They even did a search of the house, They emptied Alex's bag out and got his iPod and opened me and Nicky's bedroom door.

Damn I love this house and the area fucking rocks, but we just have to be so damn vigilant no doors or windows and ever ever be left unlocked unless your in the damn room...

Fucking arseholes...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Crazy Days

Hope Every One's Doing Well
News this week is that Curt took a redundancy... Crazy huh?

So no more boost for him. Big restructuring so not sure what his plans are yet, Splendour seems all go for him though.. That's very cool. Maybe a couple of months in Brissie then of to L.A. for a bit.

This week I bit the bullet and went and got a mop chop, cut nearly all of it off, and gave my beard a bit of a trim. I've got that schwoook snyaaaw ( think light saber type noises ) stream lined fast sorta feeling now. Literally a weight has been lifted off my shoudlers. I look nearly respectable now it was getting a bit wiggity whack with my boof head.

Other than that still no news on my iPod, Trying to work out if I should get a new one in July then I can claim the GST back on it when I leave. Either that of I could just claim one on my travel insurance once I get to Thailand and organise it from there. I've borrowed Nicky's in the mean time so I'm not doing with-out and, I ordered a iPod Shuffle through a Nokia Rewards promo so hopefully that arrives very soon.

ps. Whats this £2 has a hot new girl?

Will Cowan