Thursday, July 28, 2005

After splendour

Well splendour was splendid again. I haven't got to a computer yet so this is another post from my phone. We managed to pack up camp fairly effectively monday morning, and we didn't end up seeing any of the rain that threatened on thursday. We had a good frisbee game down the beach and a few of up headed to nimbin. Moby was a great end to the festival with a nice big bunch of us up the back. We chilled out at camp until me curt dave nicky and jules had a monster compression session in alex's tent. with the near constant supply of spliffs lasting us to dawn, it was pretty extreme. I'm actually suprised i can send this message i'm out near toowoomba picking avocados at the moment, and during splendour i managed to soak my phone in beer and while drying it over a candle it fell in and got soaked in wax. I couldn't turn in on until the sun came up and melted the wax off the on off button. Any way all is good i'm sick of avocados but only one more day to go. Cya

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Made it to Queensland

"Let the travels begin!"

Yesterday me and Nicky flew up to Brisbane, We'd had a reasonably stressful last few days doing the final good byes and cleaning and organising. A busy few days of leaving whats been my home town for nearly 4 years.
I was weird saying good bye to the people and the places, all made a bit stranger that a few of the people are coming up to splendour. its sort of a test run good bye for them.  Curt was already up here, and Jules arrived a few hours after us. Chris ( Nicky's brother ) is sick with the flu, fucking piker always manages to spoil it somehow. Today Dave and Stew arrive from Toowoomba and Alex and the Secret Magic Guest, fly in from Melbourne.

There isn't a heap else to say, I'll miss Melbourne and its familiar places and faces, lazy mornings in my bedroom, trashing nights in the park, bike rides to work, beers on Brunswick st, the Kavanah st house parties all that sorta stuff. I know I'll love living out of a backpack for the next 4 months. I really hope that where ever I make my self at home in UK can put on as good a show as Melbourne has.

Will C

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Flickr Pro

Well I just updated to Flickr Pro, its like the first time I've paid for something like that... AUD$30 for a year. Not bad really, and I can stick 2 gig of photos online every month. So expect a fair few to get online.

So I'm going to retire the old and move it all to Flickr over the next few days, Fucking yay something to prcrastinate over instead of packing my bags and sorting out real stuff.


any way...

Will Cowan

The Super Party

Hey Guys,

Well I've recovered from the party, not feeling to shabby now. I've also got a few photos to share with you. I just started playing around with Flickr an online photo album storage thingo, I don't know why I didn't play with it earlier 'cos its pretty fucking cool. I might even actually upgrade to a pro account and stick all my photos online...... Well maybe once I get to UK and have some more interesting photos.
Until then click this link to see the Super Party Photos, or click the little Flickr button on the right hand side to view the other photos I've put online.

Will Cowan

Friday, July 15, 2005

Last of Melbourne

Well, today's my last day at work,

It's quite cool, saying good bye to a few regulars, realising I don't have to deal with out piece of shit point of sale system, Its great knowing you don't have to run through a speil about pre paid call rates ever ever again.

I'm really hoping that the stupid ( and now useless ) amount of info I now know about current and old Virgin plans, network issues, error codes, handset types, keyboard short cuts, DP CM CB Pacsoft Vspy WAP Paygo OTAP MMS, etc... Does eventually leech out the side of my head during a drug fueled drinking bender off the coast of Thailand. That will ensure I've plenty of room to stick the next few months of adventuring, lazing, ( more ) drinking and all the exciting stuff that happens while living out of a back pack for 4 months traveling through 10 countries.


Tonight's is the big going away party, the SUPER PARTY ( compulsory Super Hero Costume ) . Nicky Me Roh Stewie and Dave are all making it our last big bash at our place. Wednesday's my last day in Melbourne. Shit, its come up quickly.......

more ramblings to come later....

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Christmas In Edinburgh

Hey guys,

Yeah I know its quite early, but with so many of us being overseas for the next few months... We should start a bit of an official roll call for Edinburgh Xmas....... It would be great to organise a Chris Cringle nice and early so we can buy Prezzies from all corners of the globe.

So, if you read this, and you plan to be the for Xmas, then hit the comments button, and put in your details...

Also, any grand ideas for New Years?
Two and a bit weeks relatively cigarette free, Yay

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

F U C K I T, again

Well, I'm a fuck head, again... Got a phone call from Mel ( our travel agent ) saying that we needed to finalise payment on our flights today or Thai Airways would cancel our booking. So during my lunch break I rode home to get some cash. On the bike ride back into town it escaped from its pocket and fluttered, most likely into the hands of a local junkie.

Sucks arse.. It was about $350.... Any way, I managed to pay off my flight with about $4 to my name.. And a maxed out credit card. But shit.. It's a fucking hassle... I've still got my tax return and sick pay and bond to come back... But still got Splendour and the Trans-Mongolian to pay for.

In other news, well, YAY my flights are paid for. I'm going into work late tomorrow and meeting Roh to go suss out the Chinese embassy for some Visas. I'm relatively Smoke Free, I shared one cigarette with Curt this evening, but apart from that I haven't had a cigarette since Thursday before last. The Nicabate CQ seem to be doing the job. If all goes well I wont smoke until Splendour, and won't be a Smoker while traveling.

Just a reminder, It's Nicky, Dave, Stewie, Roh and My going away party on the 15th of July. Super Hero theme, 499 george st.

and, with the Ads By Google Links on the Top and Side of this website, the click through cash does go to me, so if you see any links and you wanna check em out, please do.

Friday, July 01, 2005

More Links

Well it really just looks like I haven't done any thing interesting this week, that why I keep on putting up links.

I have managed to go a week with out and ciggies, not to bad. Nicky is atempting to quit at the moment as well, purely to spite me by saying I'm a wiener for using patches. I've got today ( Friday ) off so I'm gonna try to get a few things organsied do some banking, pay off some more of my ticket etc etc.

The main reason for this post though is that Google Video is now online. So that some of the videos that I haven't been able to post due to their big size I can now stick on google. On the odd chance that some one searches for "Gliding on 21st May 2005" they get this link. It's the two cool videos of me gliding back in May. The first is letting go of the tow rope, and the other is of us landing. If you dont have the google video software you can install it from that page. Its a very cool service, I will deffanently be making the most of it while I'm traveling.

Hope every one is well,
